Sunday, July 22, 2012

Bears cant read and people need reading glasses

the book on the shelf was about Bolsheviks but that was not the book that gained the most interest in the room actually none of the books on the shelf had gained any realistic measurable interest simply because there was only one single person in that room (period punctuation should be included at this point to impose a phony literary sense and follow rules but there are no rules in the craft of blogging huh duh right true that , please continue about the Bolsheviks) the majority of people were outside enjoying the cookout of fake hotdogs now who in the living hell has any interest in fake hotdogs in a cookout scenario meant to establish fake conversation with fake people? not the person sitting in the quiet dark room contemplating books on 1917 Russia so then what will be read nothing perhaps why not think and explore the deepest thoughts of boredom while glazing and glancing through the elaborate book collection of world war history books and the stench of cheap lemonade (notice that cheap wine was not part of this cookout nor part of this blog? pay attention huh duh right true that, please continue about the bear)  what Bear? history about the Bear animal? is that what you are talking about? if a bear could wear your boots it would finalize the terrible rips that expose your tacky socks in your old boots Sir but that's besides the point the point is that a revelation was made to you today (days after fake hotdogs hit the skillet) and after you consumed a medium rare bison burger and the revelation was a very important one. It is important for all of those who take wild animals for granted (not talking about extended family members here, those would not be considered bears, they would be more in the category of baboons) the revelation was that YOU CAN SCARE A BEAR TO DEATH !!!

 Link to Stansford study:
     Copyright by Jane Public © 2012.

Seriously. it has now been scientifically proven to be true!!! You can give a bear a heart attack! animals experience stress and anxiety just as severe as we do (if we infers that we are both human beings/homosapiens which we both may indeed not be. BINGO! huh? true. come on now and pay attention already and don't make me sound cheap) the main point that was established by the person in the dark lonely room with all of the books is that YOU CAN ACTUALLY SCARE A BEAR TO DEATH...YOU CAN ACTUALLY GIVE A BEAR A HEART ATTACK!!! that is an important thing to know. especially if you are spending the day in a rural area with an organized hotdog cookout packed with talking baboons who have absolutely no clue of what kind of frightening history books are inside of the house that they are all sleeping in. If you can't scare a bear to death, understand and appreciate the power of anxiety. it's truly a killer. wow.


                                      Copyright by Jane Public © 2012.

p.s. "gotta love biting into them combat boot rip-n-tears huh there BooBoo. betta than the franks" bye.

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