Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Concorde research assistance for my new film

Hi Joey...
I almost forgot to send this to you.  I like this video of the Concorde. The kid is sort of bored, just bouncing his ball around. But the dad knows something like an alien spaceship is about to fly past the house. This was just before the last flight.

I've seen most of the Youtube videos on the Concorde. Being a pilot myself I like the ones filmed from
the cockpit showing just how the plane is flown. The cockpit view almost makes
it look slow compared to the backyard view even though the pilot makes it sound exciting. The nose coming
up does look cool, like he's preparing for a starwars battle. Shields Up!
The seen this fly a few times while at JFK. Sadly there is nothing new on the drawing boards. I will speak with you soon with more flight material and ideas for your new film. Good luck. I love your work. You have greatly inspired me.