Tuesday, August 28, 2012

within the past week...

Yes, it's true. Jane ate this. Yes, the food on this plate (see image above). "No sour cream please," Jane said  "...be careful, the plate is hot," they said. The dish was fully loaded. Obviously. "But why tell us ("us" meaning YOU the nosey blog reader) about what you ate during the past week, sweet Janey? (i.e. within the past 7 days) that seems like a lot of crap on that plate up there.  doesn't it ? Hello!...."

Jane's polite answer:  Because I wanted to let you know. that's all. it's as simple as that. I am very polite.

btw when I was a kid I had a german shepherd named Queenie. 
I wonder if Queenie would've eaten the food off from my plate above. Do you? Probably so. duh Dogs.