Tuesday, August 21, 2012

They make good pets, but roaches can't dance at all

african hissing roaches make good pets? Yes, they do. they star in many big-budget movies. they eat cheap dog food. they can be viewed as being extremely "cute."  seriously???  yes, of course.  seriously.  ok.   bye. but wait what's the point of this roach blog then?? I had one as a pet in college living in my basement in a turtle tank disturbing my sleep with its hissing and now the sleep disturbance does not exist because there is no more basement and no more hissing roach but sometimes I think about the dog biscuits and how convenient it is/was to feed that critter. oh, oh, now that makes sense. gotcha. very well explained. also, it's important to address the fact that I am giving all of my three bears dancing classes since our peeing in the pool disaster.

Cocoa Puffs is flourishing (even though she broke a folding chair. She is husky NOT chubby, there is a big difference!). Me and my giant teddy bears are all so happy right now learning all of these fancy dance moves! My roaches could NEVER stretch their backs like we do. Ever. OMG.  I just found a VHS copy of the original FOOTLOOSE movie starring Kevin Bacon that me and my bears can watch together tonight !  Good times !


© 2012 Artists Rights Society (ARS).
Written by Jane Public.
Copyright © 2012, Jane Public.
All rights reserved.