Tuesday, December 15, 2015

'The Trump Show' screens tonight in Los Angeles !

Breaking News:   An electronic terror threat has been made against multiple schools in Los Angeles (at largest U.S. school district) leading all of Los Angeles schools (educating thousands of children - estimated at over 660,000)to be evacuated. Right at this very blog second. So, how do you think Donald Trump will do tonight at the debate with his 'outrageous' strategy in how he intends to protect us from the swelling reality of routine terrorist attacks and threats ?

Tough times, that's a certainty. But one bad emotionally driven decision (i.e. one false move) could easily lead to more dominoes falling down. And some of these dominoes could be thousands of miles away from our coastline, but played at our table top. And we could lose. China knows it. Putin knows it. ISIL knows it. Everybody knows it. 


Think Trump, tonight. Think Trump. TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP! Not referencing to the 'Donald' here, but referencing to who may be holding our best U.S. strategy 'trump' card to be played now as the race for our next big boss continues. 

