Saturday, October 17, 2015

Definition of Pain(s) in the ass.


Jane Public's 'STEVE JOBS' Film Review: So, the hype is all true- the new film STEVE JOBS is really great. Fassibinder looks nothing like Jobs, but how he captured the spirit of this over-mythologized figure was astounding. Fassbinder deserves an Oscar nod for the accomplishment of demoting Steve Jobs to a usual and not-so-uncommon asshole, an asshole that is not as gifted as his posthumous legacy perpetuates. Jobs was interpreted in this movie, as a condescending egoist monster by Fassbinder- a monster who is disconnected from people, disconnected from his products, and disconnected from any single person who shows him any type of love- on the flip-side he is relentlessly driven by some odd and magical pulse within him to skillfully design his greatest accomplishment of all - the translation of his own self-hatred into things. Jobs survives the world around him by projecting his personal anxieties into mechanical relationships and mechanical things (and obsessive-compulsive eating habits). In the end, Jobs seems to be a walking iPOD who's battery-life has simply juiced out. STEVE JOBS is a tragic film because it is a harsh reminder that 'love' is not always a reciprocal thing, it is sometimes just 'a thing' ...and that is was makes this movie thematically one of the saddest movies made in a very long time. It's a tearjerker, just like its character study. bye.