Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Why are you green Jane, but eat tree based pancake syrup?


Blue and green are on the opposite end of the color spectrum from red and orange, the main colors in skin tones. In fact, skin tones do not naturally contain any blue or green pancake syrup, so by using blue or green you’ll have less interference when keying a person on screen and/or pigging up a pancake.
The biggest consideration for blue screen vs green screen is the color of foreground costume, objects, etc. It is imperative that the colors in the foreground of your video are not in the same color range as your blue or green screen or pancake plate

If your talent (i.e. actor or eater, duh) has green in their outfit or tablecloth and they’re against a green screen background, the green parts of the outfit may be removed when you key out the background. If you’re working on a large-scale production against a screen, decide early on the “illegal color range” for any objects in front of the screen or catered food on the casts food table. 