Jane at a private cast screening for, THE WOLF OF WALL STREET (a moment seen above). All glossy film direction and caricature performances were & remain spectacular and this lovable blogger is still recovering from seeing this film, since last week ...and Pepto Bismol never hurts anybody. Right? The "movie" (since it is both a "film" and an entertaining Holiday? popcorn "movie") is really about "addiction." Money attracted these self-destructive addicts to a profession and a point of being able to reach a sophisticated level of group functioning incompetence (a new kind of Peter Priniciple. Someone call the DSM manual editors for a much needed updated edition. And I want to see royalties $$$, money hungry bastard that I am). The characters in this film-movie never really want to hurt people (since they are unable to see others as people, but only as a means of achieving a goal: getting a "fix" by any means necessary and despite being told repeatedly that their behavior is destroying everything around them. This is what an addict does. This is also what makes them attractive, that kind of confidence. And this is why it is so hard to stop loving an addict when you are able to understand that they have a sickness. Bring a bottle of mineral water with you to the theatre before sitting through this three hour opus (not opiate). Flush all of your potential toxins out of your system before viewing this film-movie and please make a fine mess of yourself with a popcorn orgy session (orgy meaning go see this movie with a pack of degenerates if possible. Just go to the theatre's parking lot and ask around). Do it for Jane, not the movie. Be a good sport. Belch silently and hear Jane's whisper "this is about addiction and NOT finance. And it should have been about American lawyer culture replacing blow for golf. But that film will be coming out shortly. lol. On a smaller budget. Wit deeper grit."
Did someone just think "BROMLEY?" Smart thinking. Hush, hush.
p.s. Life imitates art- So have you heard the latest? Now this IS about "finance"...and a about true money hungry wolf pack...link here...