Saturday, June 25, 2016

Shallow Water.

The new shark movie released yesterday, The Shallows is shallow. I am still not sure why they even bother making these kinds of movies, especially when the Discovery Channel plays this crapola 24 hours a day. The film (my apology, the popcorn MOVIE) is just a ~ CGI GoPro cam inspired swimsuit issue on Animal Planet gone haywire that lets the whole world see in what great shape actress Blake Lively is in after having a kid with actor/hubby Ryan Reynolds ~ movie. There is no arguing that Blake is in very good physical shape, but the one thing that must be noted here is that Blake's performance outshined her bikini. Big time. Blake's performance was very strong, far stronger than the CGI great white, she's very believable and she proved that she can carry a movie for 90 minutes straight. If you like nice pretty isolated green blue beaches (which I honestly do not, and prefer ponds), you will love this movie. But, if you love Shark Week, you will hate the movie and you will want to demand a refund from theatre management and rush on home to go see something that feels far more realistic than this bologna on TMC. bye. And one last thing, the best shark movie since JAWS was SOUL SURFER.