Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Skipping (the holiday).

Tonight it will watch the cinema of Liliana Cavani. 'The Night Porter?'
'Il portiere di notte is based on a pseudomasochistic story that is justified by the extreme situation in which both man and woman find themselves. It is the detonator that allows them to express themselves. True facts, and the actors within the scenes, are not a reality. Damn. My point of view is beyond time, and beyond realism. The atmosphere of a place, a room, a road is transformed. Jane Public attempts, on the evening of a celebrated holiday, to conceptualize some ambivalence regarding the artistic representation of any DVD movie that he/it will choose and select for tonight's lone viewing. My desire is to interpret them into a space of reality and not fantasy. Actually, I want to take that back -yes to fantasy! They are mood provoking. I place lights to imply windows where none exist. This strategy evokes places beyond phenomenological reality, which make up my own reality, as in dreams. Goodnight.' - Cavani?
Watch something else tonight. I changed my mind.This thing feels exhausting now. And the DVD probably skips anyway. bye.