Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Real Nighthawk.

Rutgher speaks carefully (he hated Stallone and the Hollywood industry) about his first US film NIGHTHAWKS...
His performance of Wulfgar is immeasurable and may partly be credited to all of the suffering that he endured during the making of this movie, some of which he describes here above. He also suffered a permanent physical injury from a special effect squid (squid: fake gun shot explosive) that exploded into his abdomen that burned straight into his internal organs. He asked Stallone to be very careful and when it occurred he couldn't forgive the irresponsible special effects crew. It happened when he filmed his first scene (the end death scene) and he carried this emotion throughout the shooting of the film. An epic action film that proves to be timely now due to our current state of heightened international terrorism awareness.
