Friday, May 8, 2015

Everything was spun into this 90's satirical classic!

Linda Tripp, Rodham, Socks the cat, Newt, Lewinsky, Eleanor, filthy Starr, cardboard Gore, the ambulatory duplicity of Bill, and even Tricky Dicky, are all amusingly complicit of tickling your fancy in this scandalous intermission-free hilarious show called, CLINTON- THE MUSICAL. The bottom line is that this show was/is just so, so great! And the show Smells Like Hillary Spirit (yes, a pun to that infamous Nirvana underarm deodorant 90's song classic).  I was desperately looking for Rove and Atwater, but now realize that you gotta save some blowback for a sequel. Chalmers Johnson taught me that fact. bye.


Coming Soon…,,20260477,00.html

p.s. CLINTON - THE MUSICAL's   hit catchy song is sung by the Monica Lewinsky character and the song is called, 'I'm fucking the fucking President!" That crazy song alone merits the entrance fee ya'll.  They sing it twice in this show. bye again.