Thursday, April 3, 2014

IT  (??? by "IT" do you mean moi ???)  rejected traditional views that suggested art reflected life and that theatre merely mirrored the everyday reality. Instead, IT (???)  inverted this view and argued that culture masks our real selves. Shocking? Theatre and performance offers a way of removing safety inhibitions, 1944 courtroom transcripts, and restrictions introduced by social mores and popcorn movie etiquette.  IT (???? WHO THE FU#K IS IT!!!)  argued/s that the aim of a performance and film work should not be to solve social or psychological conflicts, but to express and uncover what is 'the truth' of an electric chair execution of a woman. To perform this thing  (this event tragedy)  cleanly will only add insult to injury. The killing of Lena Baker will soon be justly told.  'There is just so much blood on so many hands,' said The Watch.  Those filthy-filthy- hands shall now pay the price of truth told through a more intricate nightly storytelling scenario.

And guess what Einstein,  The Watch has started watching others too. So stay tuned (IT THOUGHT). 
For more details ??? 
"Of course. Idiot IT. The show must go on. duh - "Hell on earth have no fury like JANE scorned."

ok. gotcha.  bye.