Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Some authors invoke Muses when writing poetry, hymns, political appointments, movfies(sic), paintings or epic history. The invocation typically occurs at or near the beginning, and calls for help or inspiration, or simply invites the Muse to sing through the author. 

Some authors also call on the aid of Muses, who are called as the true speaker for whom an author is merely a mouthpiece. 

JSome(sic) is a misspelled word . 

Sue Rice(aRONI ?) was picked to succeed Tom Donilon as National Security Advisor immediately following Donilon's resignation on June 5, 2013 (something that should make the average ALAN SMITHEE go hmmmmmmmm). Though she decided not to give her name for consideration to become secretary of state, in consideration that the role requires Senate confirmation, and she faced criticism, especially from Republicans, regarding her role in the aftermath of the attack in Benghazi. The current position does not require Senate approval. Sue is a Rhodes scholar, so Oxfird(sic) will be her misspelled word for this blog entry, not Libya. 

Respektfully so, bye.