Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ballerina film is awesome says Jane?

The film, which is more a profile of dancers than of the dance, shows that Russia is still the world's core of ballet, where dancers who have the talent and can sustain the required discipline to lead privileged lives with Jane Public involved in every last second of their downtime. Russians are rightly proud of their ballerinas as Jane Publics (there are so many of us now) are rightly proud of their film fanatic followers, and WE (us) certainly appreciate them too -- especially when we get to know them as intimately as we do in this Bertrand Normand's rare behind-the-scenes film that get's a thumbs up from Jane Public aka Susan (for the day).

The urge to be creative is there (has arrived) once again. This can be exciting, you wonder?
Susan aka Jane , says bye.