Jane Public, with a very magnificent of heart of gold, organized an enormous community picnic fundraiser on some remote sidewalk in NYC with a wired trashcan that included sugar cookies, roasted BBQ ribs, grilled trolls, gobbled up half-eaten Piggies in a Blanket, snapping turtles a la mode (one scoop per gallon of gas not pumped) and burned up charcoal in a humanoid-tarian effort to give back to the local people sitting on the long gasoline lines backing up traffic after Sandy's wrath. YumBurpGetouttamytownandafteryoueatmyfoodMOOCHERSbye!
p.s. gotta love those 70's sunglasses. The future is bright, ya gotta wear shades.
p.s.s. Emily Dickinson's homestead is approaching its 10th anniversary. A place of avant-garde heritage, creative energy, contribution, profusion of vibrant letters, and most importantly an area of historical extreme quiet existence...
bye emily. again.