the photographer (a female) explained her "subject" as a second rate feminist.
i yawned. the "subject" was exactly THAT, HER "subject"- A mere victim for this photographer's yellow teeth to dig into for her own personal identity/gender crisis and/or rage. this very personal anger at the "other" gender, expressed in these pictures during her presentation.
I questioned this artist about the fact that all of the photographs taken by her SUBJECT (her subject was actually a self-professed amateur photographer from the 60's) had the images of men blackened out with marker. i asked the artist, "How did your "SUBJECT" feel about this intrusion upon her polaroids?" She could not respond properly, BUT she did address me with good eye contact and revealed that her "SUBJECT" was actually a good friend of her aunt's.
Long story short, that moment of "honesty", despite the fact that i had to squeeze for it, made me gain a lot of respect for this person, this "artist". and it also reminded me that, as "artists" we certainly design, manipulate and create the world that WE want from others, not the world sitting directly in front of us. And in that sense artists are the most DISHONEST honest creatures in the world.
and God Bless America, for that.