Tuesday, December 8, 2009

To The Lighthouse.

I do not think anything could have inspired me more than the writing of Virginia Woolf's TO THE LIGHTHOUSE. It is so strange listening to the art of the written word. It reminds me so much of the making of films in the editing room- strips of "moments" hanging besides the editor, calling to be used and praised.
In moments of terrible strife, it is art. It is this kind of work. it is the inspiration to MAKE this kind of thing, that is the true power others can not take away from you. They can try, and YES they will. But their sheer envy will betray them. And it is your confidence that will enjoy everlasting victory. I'm sorry if it sounds sad, but it is true.

Large parts of Woolf's novel do not concern themselves with the objects of vision, but rather investigate the means of perception, attempting to understand people in the act of looking. In order to be able to understand thought, Woolf's diaries reveal, the author would spend considerable time listening to herself think, observing how and which words and emotions arose in her own mind in response to what she saw.