Monday, March 9, 2009


After a brief and expensive grocery shopping session at FAIRWAY by the Hudson, I was taken for a peaceful stroll by the dirty river to look for a tree. After visiting the tree, and seeing an assortment of floating garbage and soda bottles, I was directed to observe a makeshift blue-colored plastic milk crate hotel. Inside the crate was a feral orange cat, YES a wild and homeless cat. Bright orange, I could not believe my eyes. It was kinda sad, but also kinda true social commentary right before my eyes. What kind of “character” did this cat have? What kind of “personality” I wondered. I was told that the milk crate houses 3 cats in total, and that they are fed and taken care of by a homeless man. Wow. I wanted to make sure I Blogged something about this, and to show a cellphone pic for you all to see (“you all” meaning Myself, when I go back and re-read my Blogs weekly).

I don’t want to make any profound statements about this cat or this milkcrate, or this entire situation by the Hudson river. I really just wanted to let you see this image, and allow you the liberty to ponder. I will actually let YOU make your own decision on how you want to think about this cat thing entirely. Even if you are not a “cat person”, think about this cat’s potential life, in general.


p.s. the orange cat is on the bottom LEFT corner of the image, sitting on top of its blue crate. Hidden behind the dry river bushes.