Thursday, June 18, 2020

Deceased artist Luther Price discusses his handmade films and slides...

When I was a San Francisco Cinematheque voluteer back in the early '90's, I assisted Luthor in a performance called, 'Meat', at the Eye Gallery. I recall it vividly:

A large white sheet separated Luthor from the audience. Luthor's hair was frosted white like an old man and his face was covered in pasty whiteface. He wore oversized, thick, dark glasses, a white lab coat, and rubber gloves. My job was to run a video feed from his side of the curtain, which the audience could watch on a monitor on the other side. He asked me to wear a lab coat as well, even though I was not visible to anyone.

Luthor had an enormous side of beef on a table with a fist-size hole in it. He repeatedly alternated between spraying aerosal into the beef hole and reaching in as if to pull something out. His movement was very measured and disciplined. On the audience side, liver was frying on a hot plate. The smell was rather oppressive. Luthor was generous enough to let me snap photographs throughout the entire performance. 

Luthor walked with a pronounced limp due to being shot in (I believe) Guatamala. This incident inspired the above performance. bye.