Sunday, April 26, 2015

zine-fest staple puncher.

So after hearing out all of those romantic zine writers rant about their dire love for creating and distributing zines using the staple and the paper, and having voiced your(meaning MY) opinion during one panel lecture yesterday regarding the ominous death warrant(assassination) placed against celluloid film by means of digital, and how film artists have been forced to opt for creating things usingg(sic) new technology tools…is there any difference between how a brain organizes and creates a blog vs a stapled zine?

A: Absolutley None. Except that I predict soon using paper will be criminalized by these same tree-hugging protesting hypocrites that are refusing to accept and adapt to change.

Moral of the problem: Create things as Malcolm X said (without using a rifle), 'By Any Means Necessary.'  Make things  because you must make. Do them, because you must do. Let nothing restrict your mind. Let nobody restrict your voice.

Summation:  Thanks for giving me some hope, Jane. That said,  let's all 'Keep Hope Alive.' Now, go outside and play.

ok. bye.