Monday, August 26, 2013

Off-The-Grid grassroots community established internet = wow (NSAhowulikeusNow??)


"A two-way mirror (as confirmed by a using a discrete fingernail test)?... really? so why such dishonesty about it?,  Jane asked bluntly and with a flat affect? "Why a blurred, dusty & filthy glass window staged with such cheap blinds? Btw muttering behind any two-way glass can still be easily heard. And why so offensively in this comfortable little room? Jane began thinking again. "It seems to be far more logical to observe the behavior of people through a much more reliable lens devised to seek "the truth"- past history.
After reflecting about being burnt by someone, it appears that a two-way mirror is an absolute failed idea for finding truth. So let's talk about this in a rearranged format- Why does swelling music in Oscar bound films always inspire us and makes us pay to Hollywood a lot of our honestly earned money$$$... Answer-  because it is absolutely crooked, contrived and dishonest. There is nothing truthful about making people feel a certain way (emotionally) by using any combination (or a single) of musical notes. You still feel burnt.

Cases in point: Titanic, Terms of Endearment, Love Story, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Old Yeller.

Life is about getting burnt and seeing if you have enuff stamina to get back up off of the floor and back into the game again. And that is why these movies make so much money$$$. These movies get up from the floor and are released every single Friday despite any film industry dollar failures. They just keep churning these stupid suckas out .
Hollywood logic is strange as hell, yep Heath.  The End.