Friday, June 7, 2013

Homemade Books and Corruption Press Conferences

These are pages from Emily Dickinson’s herbarium, or homemade book of pressed plant specimens. Assembled when Dickinson was a 14-year-old student at Amherst Academy.  The book was used as her application to Harvard University, and she was denied admission. A spark lit the leaves of her intimate Cambridge desire and she began a new study (not widely known), but recently shared/disclosed to the Jane Public archives by embarrassed blood relatives. She studied organized small ring boxing corruption (in other words, cockfighting).

The combination of plant life study guides and Emily's interest in national boxing corruption should be interesting. Stay tuned even if you don't have money to bet. To hell with Cambridge ! And of course, the most important thing of all is when you are faced with a formidable challenge, "Knock yourself out" with it.  

Freedom of the Press. hush, hush. Bye.

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