Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pre-screening/Rough Cut: "GIRLSTORIES" (Closed Captioned for hearing impaired audiences)

Intense pre-screening sessions with deaf/hearing impaired lead actress Patricia. The goal was to present the rough cut of the film and also to see where the film stands concerning acceptance within the deaf community. Was I nervous...duh. Did I pass with thumbs high up ?


*** I have the cartoon ELOUSIE GOES TO SCHOOL playing on NETFLIX while I write up this BLOG 4 U. God bless prestige, adorable nannies and prep school culture. Cute cartoon. But now Back to the Blog Ms. Hedwig...

So YES sweetheart blog fan. It all went well. Surprised? Why? I love Patricia. She had so much informative feedback concerning CLOSED CAPTIONING style/possibilities, Special Education stigmas with educators, character development thoughts conveyed using Closed Captioned emotions, potential storyline "missing links", just an amazing screening session.

Everything was discussed using a RELAY service on her computer (an online interpreter), which made the process of our communication even stronger. Such a cool experience, this whole project.

luv, ME.