Monday, February 21, 2011

Collected scraps for JANE script

-These (images seen above this text) are a few crap-cell-fone images taken by ME (myself) this morning as I am preparing to write my new script.

-These scraps have been part of a massive collection of ideas gathered over many months.

-The goal here is to review these images, interpret a structured narrative from the "presumed" reasons why these images compelled me enuff to gather them (i.e. tear-them-out), and then I will begin to write a story (in some random public library).

METHODOLOGY USED FOR SCRIPT DESIGN: Torn scrap pictures that will be scotch-taped to a cheap spiral notebook and then I use a fun pen that will unfortunately by "running out of ink" . This will all dictate the foward action of the script's narrative that I will ultimately be responsible for executing.

That's it.
Have a nice lunch.
TTFN for now.


p.s. I took a nice soapy shower. I did all of my laundry. and I just looked into the public library restroom mirror. I look greeat. I hope that you ALL do too.