Sunday, October 29, 2017

Modern technology crammed into XtraSize on wheels.

#lobby  #pleasedontrainonmyVCR

The term "microcinema" was first coined in 1994 by Rebecca Barten and David Sherman founders of San Francisco's Total Mobile Home microCINEMA, where all the films are "underground" because they're shown in the basement. The founders say they envisioned an alternative movement, a sort of cinematic microbrewery. And now, the word has come to describe an intimate, low-budget style of movie shot on relatively cheap formats like Hi-8 video, DV, and (less often) older do-it-yourself stock like 16mm film. As of late, a large growing subculture of film makers has risen in the wake of technological advancements that have made low-budget film making more affordable and pleasing to the eye. One camera in particular, that has made a large impact, is the Panasonic DVX100 followed recently by the Panasonic HVX200 High Definition camcorder (many other cameras are used as well but DVX and HVX are arguably the favorites). Many experimental art enthusiasts, film festivals and websites have hosted films made from the microcinema subculture and screen works by carrying them around in found Xtra size shopping carts all and looking for places to plug things into routinely. bye.