Saturday, October 21, 2017

wool cap fever.

The head of the Australian wool industry, who recently told an ABC reporter to f*** off, has express-posted a letter of apology to farmers over the event that sparked the scandal. The express posted letter addressed the so-called 'Man in the Mirror' incident, where Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) chairman Wal Merriman secretly watched and listened to growers in an anonymous focus group. The apology comes after Mr Merriman told an ABC journalist to "f*** off" when he was approached for a comment on the matter. Farmers have been outraged for months about being observed without their consent. The letter was sent late last week, ahead of AWI's expected grilling at Senate Estimates at Parliament House in Canberra tomorrow. Mr Merriman earns almost $160,000 per year and that salary is covered by farmers and taxpayers. In the letter, he said watching from behind a mirror was a "poor decision" and guaranteed it would "never happen again" under his leadership. "It was my mistake to not insist to be in the room with you and I apologise for this," the letter stated. The farmers Mr Merriman watched through the mirror were participants in a focus group session in June who believed their comments would be anonymous. There has been mounting pressure on Mr Merriman to step aside since the story broke last month. 
