Saturday, June 18, 2022

'Joey From The Bronx' calls out Tommy Lee debacle ! 22k views!, so far.

'Joey From The Bronx' calls out The Stadium Tour's Tommy Lee debacle !

"I Love Rock N Roll" - JOAN JETT 

"I don't give a damn 'bout my Bad Reputation"

POISON stole the show, hands down. Totally unexpected. A cheesy pop glam rock band
literally came out with so much energy and so much enthusiasm that they have taken the Stadium Tour to a higher level. JOAN JETT and POISON made this Stadium Tour worth the money $$$
Tommy Lee's kit with Taylor Hawkins' face on the kick drum skin

Tommy played only 2 songs and then left the stage, to return for 'Home Sweet Home' later.

One packed show. Largest crowd I've experienced since the TAYLOR SWIFT 'REPUTATION' Stadium Tour. Overall, I am honestly rather dumbfounded at how much I enjoyed this multi-band concert, only because so much of what these bands stood for was pretty 80's cheesy. The venue and how it was organized was next level great despite there being sooooo many people there. I went to the show expecting to just study drum kits and see Tommy Lee one last time even if he has zero respect for the band that gave him his celebrity (Tommy Lee was the single reason that I started playing drums, twirling sticks and making rock bands). The Stadium Show was really fantastic and all of the musicians truly played their instruments and performed as if their lives depended on it. From a scale of 1-10 I rate this show at a 9. Taylor Swift gets the 10.  


p.s. This is the voice of Allister Fiend on the 'In The Beginning' SATD track ...