Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Return of U.S. firing squads ...Compassion Inc?

hmmmmmmmmm...and Prez Putin is the planetary animal?

Execution by firing squad, in the past sometimes called fusillading (from the French fusilrifle), is a method of capital punishment, particularly common in the military and in times of war. Execution by shooting is a fairly old practice. Some reasons for its use are that firearms are usually readily available and a gunshot to a vital organ, such as the brain or heart, most often will kill relatively quickly.

A firing squad is normally composed of several military personnel, all of whom are usually instructed to fire simultaneously, thus preventing both disruption of the process by one member and identification of the member who fired the lethal shot. To avoid disfigurement due to multiple shots to the head, the shooters are typically instructed to aim at the heart, sometimes aided by a paper or cloth target. The prisoner is typically blindfolded or hooded, as well as restrained, although in some cases prisoners have asked to be allowed to face the firing squad without their eyes covered. Media portrayals have frequently shown the condemned being offered a final cigarette as well. Executions can be carried out with the condemned either standing or sitting. There is a tradition in some jurisdictions that such executions are carried out at first light or at sunrise. This gave rise to the phrase "shot at dawn". bye.