Saturday, October 15, 2016

'Certain Women' wins BEST FILM at LONDON BFI 2016 !

Kelly remains one of the last standing film artists shooting exclusively on film, using 35mm and 16mm technology and film shooting aesthetics. And, she was offended and hurt that her new work was available and placed on iTUNES VOD without her knowledge at the exact same time of her film's theatrical release (essentially making the public opt for home viewing rather than theatrical attendance). iTUNES's price  of $14.99 is slightly higher than the theatrical price. That said, if you aren't going out, buy it on iTUNES. But keep in mind that this movie was designed for the large movie screen and for the reactions that happen inside of a room packed with strangers sitting in the dark, hopefully not texting one another. Drop Da Mike Holla. bye - buy.