Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Zoom lens used and disciplined

Here are some film recommendations referencing works that utilize the zoom lens (active and/or moving) as part of the story aesthetic...

ZOOM LAPSE – John Du Cane, 1975 (UK)
ACCRETION– John Du Cane, 1977 (I think – also UK)
WAVELENGTH  by Michael Snow
BREAKAWAY  by Bruce Conner
Of course, WAVELENGTH rules this list. Remember, almost all of Kubrick's films use zoom lens techniques and also the car chase scene in "Bullet."

Good luck,
Samson aka Jane Public

p.s. Hitchcock jokingly proposed, but never made, the film Titanic as a two-hour zoom-out from the Titanic's nameplate to a full wide shot of the ship.