This film was made for TV by ABC. This film was the most impactful film in my life and to this day defines the stories that I tell. This film is based on the bus-train crash that took place in Nyack ,New York that left some students permanently injured and impaired for life. The film is about recovery and perseverance.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
The Long Journey Back (a Made for TV movie)
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
The death of a Guantanamo inmate was not Projected
LINK to January interview:
© 2013 Artists Rights Society (ARS).
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Jane Public Pictures, Copyright © 2013
Yoani Sanchez in New York City March 2013
P.S. The decline of projectionists..."So it's not really an art anymore."
© 2013 Artists Rights Society (ARS).
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Jane Public Pictures, Copyright © 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
Silence, Noise and "Performance Art" Wind
Some authors say silence is a type of sound. OR more that it is at the center of sound. The opposite of sound is not silence but instead noise. Alan Tower
Edit / Delete / #
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Jane Public Pictures, Copyright © 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
“She had known happiness, exquisite happiness, intense happiness, and it silvered the rough waves a little more brightly, as daylight faded, and the blue went out of the sea and it rolled in waves of pure lemon which curved and swelled and broke upon the beach and the ecstasy burst in her eyes and waves of pure delight raced over the floor of her mind and she felt, It is enough! It is enough!” ―
Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse
Friday, January 25, 2013
...the director defiantly labeled his attitude toward film as "heretical empiricism, " and his ideas about the signifying force of film remain radical today. This "empiricism" would translate, in practice, into films of often brutal realism requiring eyeglasses and extraordinary authenticity during heavy traffic situations.
bye ? um, no. not "bye" yet (and "by" the way the glasses you see above are now broken. why? cheap CVS crap ...
p.s. Pasolini speaks to YOU as Jane watches his work, The Canterbury Tales. NOW is my bye.
p.s. Pasolini speaks to YOU as Jane watches his work, The Canterbury Tales. NOW is my bye.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
editing is a lot of work. it is a craft. it is a total act of labour. editing is done with (absolutely) no feelings. it is done in the company of (absolute) solitude. it requires incredible selfish concentration and unexpected draining during quiet late night hours. editing is for fools who enjoy participating in the recipe of true magic. the process is not that distant from feelings elicited during the pursuit of any reward. one must have a vision in order to even begin. sometimes coffee helps. one must have an internal roadmap of rudimentary steps in order to achieve that (absolutely necessary) sense of finality. finality is what keeps the editor hopeful. hope is what keeps us wanting to go on. and the magic that inspires others (the eyewitness. the sleeping audience. the fool) is the recipe for a workable secret.
so...thank God for black coffee. and yeah, I'm outta milk again. bye.
so...thank God for black coffee. and yeah, I'm outta milk again. bye.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Pina documentary film by Wim Wenders
Pina's (i.e. her) work is so inspiring. it IS the application of BODY-AS-CINEMA. bye.
"I am still learning." - Michelangelo, age 87
Friday, January 18, 2013
Yoko holds contaminated Pennsylvania fracking water
Yoko Ono in PA.
p.s. World News nightmare regarding Bulgaria:
p.s. World News nightmare regarding Bulgaria:
p.s.s. Please watch this amazing film called, "TRIAGE"
"One cannot be so afraid of dying, that you miss living."
Roundtable film discussion on the history and scope of the cinematic event with Ed Halter and Thomas Beard (Light Industry), Chrissie Iles (Whitney Museum), and Andy Lampert (Anthology Film Archives). Co-presented by the Film Studies Program, Department of Art History and Archaeology and Columbia Seminars.
Above film clip courtesy of Jane Public Pictures, Inc.
1971 note from performance artist Vito Acconci
Archived, 2013.
All questions to Yoani were measured and careful as to insure her safety.
Yoani is a true leader against world oppression and tyranny. bye.
© 2013 Artists Rights Society (ARS).
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Jane Public Pictures, Copyright © 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Press Release 2013 and "In The Upper Room" screening
NYC Brooklynite actress Jenn Conneley
Filmmaker Joey Huertas awarded THE WILLARD VAN DYKE award for non-fiction film.
© 2013 Artists Rights Society (ARS).
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Copyright © 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
" Depiction is not endorsement, " said Kathy
Test footage for Jane Public's russian language film, 'TO TRANSLATE OUR WINDS"
― Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar
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A critic's review: This newest work by film artist Jane Public is a visceral exploration of the body as an emotional foreign archive of experience, trauma and place. Source material included/s imaginary life experiences, family politics and impossible romance. The depiction of true love tortured by impossible abilities narrated in foreign language.
p.s. Director Kathryn Bigelow has defended the depiction of torture in her latest film Zero Dark Thirty, a dramatisation of the hunt for Osama Bin Laden. Bigelow insisted her movie does not suggest the al-Qaeda leader would not have been located without so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques". "That's a misrepresentation of the film," said the Hurt Locker film-maker.
However, the film, she said, shows "a pretty wide array of tactics" being used over the 10 years it took to identify Bin Laden's hiding place. Zero Dark Thirty has drawn criticism from within the US government with some senators complaining it perpetuates "the myth that torture is effective".
p.s. "Depiction is not Endorsement" he said sipping on a Diet Coke in response to her film's controversial criticism. LINK:,0,5937785.story
p.s. "Depiction is not Endorsement" he said sipping on a Diet Coke in response to her film's controversial criticism. LINK:,0,5937785.story
"IN THE UPPER ROOM" by Joey Huertas screening tonight at Anthology Film Archives, NYC @ 6pm
Press Link:
© 2013 Artists Rights Society (ARS).
© 2013 Artists Rights Society (ARS).
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Copyright © 2013
Panel Discussion :
© 2013 Artists Rights Society (ARS).
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Copyright © 2013
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Filmmaker Bruce Bertrand attends screening in NJ
Filmmaker Bruce Bertrand at the screening of Jane Public's ballet film, NICE PEOPLE in New Jersey.
p.s. watchin' new doc, Putins Kiss. bye...
p.s. watchin' new doc, Putins Kiss. bye...
Friday, January 11, 2013
Joey Huertas interviews Yoani Sanchez (LIVE EXCERPT)
Filmmaker Joey Huertas speaks with controversial political blogger Yoani Sanchez from her home in Havana, Cuba during this live 2013 panel discussion...
© 2013 Artists Rights Society (ARS).
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Copyright © 2013
Stills from Jane Public's new film (work-in-progress)
© 2013 Artists Rights Society (ARS).
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Copyright © 2013
p.s. Tonight live broadcast interview with cuban award-winning blogger Yoani Sanchez and Joey Huertas ! And also, a new and revised edition of Transcendental Style in FIlm will be released in Spring 2013...
Artist and Professor Antonio Frasconi, 1919-2013
The Purchase College community is profoundly saddened to learn of the passing of artist, mentor, friend, and former professor Antonio Frasconi on Tuesday at the age of 93...
Frasconi began teaching printmaking at Purchase in 1973 at the age of 53. In 1983 he earned the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and further achieved the rank of Distinguished Teaching Professor of Art+Design in 1986, an honor bestowed by SUNY that recognizes and rewards its finest and accomplished faculty for “consistently superb teaching.”
Born in 1919 in Argentina to Italian parents, Frasconi grew up in Montevideo, Uruguay. He began his career as a political cartoonist there, then moved to the United States at age 26. Much of his work maintained a social conscience and political edge as he rose to become the most prominent woodcut illustrator of his generation.
R.I.P. Antonio, Joanne Sclafani loved and admired you so much.
from Matt Helme

Born in 1919 in Argentina to Italian parents, Frasconi grew up in Montevideo, Uruguay. He began his career as a political cartoonist there, then moved to the United States at age 26. Much of his work maintained a social conscience and political edge as he rose to become the most prominent woodcut illustrator of his generation.
R.I.P. Antonio, Joanne Sclafani loved and admired you so much.
from Matt Helme
Old Bridge Public Library to Screen Arresting 2008 Dysmorphia Film by Award-Winning, Avant-Garde Filmmaker and Social Activist, Joey Huertas a.k.a Jane Public, January 12, 2013
~ This will be the film's first screening in New Jersey ~
Dysmorphia of Self
The Old Bridge Public Library screens three films in their upcoming Filmmaker's Showcase followed by Q&A with the filmmaker and dancer, on Saturday, January 12, 2013 at 1:30pm, 1 Old Bridge Plaza, Old Bridge, NJ 08857. The program is FREE to the public and consists of three shorts: Between Here and the Shore, a meditation on time and place, NICE PEOPLE, a documentary on a dancer who suffers from Body Dysmorphic Disorder, and Earth Angel, a rock rendition of the ‘50s classic ballad.
Joey Huertas a.k.a Jane Public, social worker, activist and award-winning filmmker, noted for his raw portrayals of real, everyday people caught in private, heart-wrenching sagas of pain and hope, illumines via the individual, the universal human quest for healing and love in a stripped-bare and surreal film style imbued with deep compassion and textural beauty.
Huertas’s films are shot on actual film, are made with a spirit of social activism and feature profoundly intimate sound tracks plucked from the subjects' lives-- interviews, confessions, psychotherapy sessions and self-spoken laments of the soul coupled with music and the filmmaker's own soundscapes that come and go, giving voice to the previously unheard and unseen, resulting in cinematic vignettes that are at once tragic, life-affirming and breathtaking.
Huertas’s 2008 film, Nice People, stands as one of his bravest and most remarkable films, documenting the true story of a dancer suffering from body dysmorphic disorder and her battle against external and internal forces that make her life a living nightmare and an agonizing plea for self-acceptance.
David Marc of the Syracuse International Film Festival wrote of Nice People that, "neither the film nor its technique are for the faint of heart."
The film zeros in on existential and body-image issues, many of which are often experienced by female dancers, journeying the viewer through dark emotional terrain: the relationship to one’s body, distorted body image, intimacy between self and other, self-acceptance, disconnection and separateness, pressure to conform, parental emotional abuse, perfectionism, psychological torment and self-hatred. Within the darkness however, there persists a sustained tenderness and reverence on the part of the filmmaker, cloaking the lone female subject as if protectively, in her brutal nakedness.
The dancer of the film will be present for the post-screening Q&A session.
"It is my great honor to represent this film and to speak from the perspective of a dancer and female."
Note: A humanitarian at heart and artist for a cause, Joey Huertas will be the featured film artist selected by Syndicated Radio to participate in a live interview in Havana, Cuba with famed award-winning activist and blogger, YOANI SANCHEZ, on January 11, 2013.
For more information please click the following:
Old Bridge Public Library
Saturday, January 12, 2013 at 1:30pm,
1 Old Bridge Plaza, Old Bridge, NJ 08857.
The program is FREE to the public
Old Bridge Public Library to Screen Arresting 2008 Dysmorphia Film by Award-Winning, Avant-Garde Filmmaker and Social Activist, Joey Huertas a.k.a Jane Public, January 12, 2013
~ This will be the film's first screening in New Jersey ~
Dysmorphia of Self
The Old Bridge Public Library screens three films in their upcoming Filmmaker's Showcase followed by Q&A with the filmmaker and dancer, on Saturday, January 12, 2013 at 1:30pm, 1 Old Bridge Plaza, Old Bridge, NJ 08857. The program is FREE to the public and consists of three shorts: Between Here and the Shore, a meditation on time and place, NICE PEOPLE, a documentary on a dancer who suffers from Body Dysmorphic Disorder, and Earth Angel, a rock rendition of the ‘50s classic ballad.
Joey Huertas a.k.a Jane Public, social worker, activist and award-winning filmmker, noted for his raw portrayals of real, everyday people caught in private, heart-wrenching sagas of pain and hope, illumines via the individual, the universal human quest for healing and love in a stripped-bare and surreal film style imbued with deep compassion and textural beauty.
~ This will be the film's first screening in New Jersey ~
Dysmorphia of Self
The Old Bridge Public Library screens three films in their upcoming Filmmaker's Showcase followed by Q&A with the filmmaker and dancer, on Saturday, January 12, 2013 at 1:30pm, 1 Old Bridge Plaza, Old Bridge, NJ 08857. The program is FREE to the public and consists of three shorts: Between Here and the Shore, a meditation on time and place, NICE PEOPLE, a documentary on a dancer who suffers from Body Dysmorphic Disorder, and Earth Angel, a rock rendition of the ‘50s classic ballad.
Joey Huertas a.k.a Jane Public, social worker, activist and award-winning filmmker, noted for his raw portrayals of real, everyday people caught in private, heart-wrenching sagas of pain and hope, illumines via the individual, the universal human quest for healing and love in a stripped-bare and surreal film style imbued with deep compassion and textural beauty.
Huertas’s films are shot on actual film, are made with a spirit of social activism and feature profoundly intimate sound tracks plucked from the subjects' lives-- interviews, confessions, psychotherapy sessions and self-spoken laments of the soul coupled with music and the filmmaker's own soundscapes that come and go, giving voice to the previously unheard and unseen, resulting in cinematic vignettes that are at once tragic, life-affirming and breathtaking.
Huertas’s 2008 film, Nice People, stands as one of his bravest and most remarkable films, documenting the true story of a dancer suffering from body dysmorphic disorder and her battle against external and internal forces that make her life a living nightmare and an agonizing plea for self-acceptance.
David Marc of the Syracuse International Film Festival wrote of Nice People that, "neither the film nor its technique are for the faint of heart."
The film zeros in on existential and body-image issues, many of which are often experienced by female dancers, journeying the viewer through dark emotional terrain: the relationship to one’s body, distorted body image, intimacy between self and other, self-acceptance, disconnection and separateness, pressure to conform, parental emotional abuse, perfectionism, psychological torment and self-hatred. Within the darkness however, there persists a sustained tenderness and reverence on the part of the filmmaker, cloaking the lone female subject as if protectively, in her brutal nakedness.
The dancer of the film will be present for the post-screening Q&A session.
"It is my great honor to represent this film and to speak from the perspective of a dancer and female."
Note: A humanitarian at heart and artist for a cause, Joey Huertas will be the featured film artist selected by Syndicated Radio to participate in a live interview in Havana, Cuba with famed award-winning activist and blogger, YOANI SANCHEZ, on January 11, 2013.
For more information please click the following:
Old Bridge Public Library
Huertas’s 2008 film, Nice People, stands as one of his bravest and most remarkable films, documenting the true story of a dancer suffering from body dysmorphic disorder and her battle against external and internal forces that make her life a living nightmare and an agonizing plea for self-acceptance.
David Marc of the Syracuse International Film Festival wrote of Nice People that, "neither the film nor its technique are for the faint of heart."
The film zeros in on existential and body-image issues, many of which are often experienced by female dancers, journeying the viewer through dark emotional terrain: the relationship to one’s body, distorted body image, intimacy between self and other, self-acceptance, disconnection and separateness, pressure to conform, parental emotional abuse, perfectionism, psychological torment and self-hatred. Within the darkness however, there persists a sustained tenderness and reverence on the part of the filmmaker, cloaking the lone female subject as if protectively, in her brutal nakedness.
The dancer of the film will be present for the post-screening Q&A session.
"It is my great honor to represent this film and to speak from the perspective of a dancer and female."
Note: A humanitarian at heart and artist for a cause, Joey Huertas will be the featured film artist selected by Syndicated Radio to participate in a live interview in Havana, Cuba with famed award-winning activist and blogger, YOANI SANCHEZ, on January 11, 2013.
For more information please click the following:
Old Bridge Public Library
Saturday, January 12, 2013 at 1:30pm,
1 Old Bridge Plaza, Old Bridge, NJ 08857.
The program is FREE to the publicMonday, January 7, 2013
Artaud self-portrait
Light bears no weight (a performance art piece)
Light bears no weight
What was the point of doing that show really? Was it intended to be some kind of starving one-trick-pony? Are you serious Jane or Franklin or whatever your name is today?? It appears as if the whole thing (the entire scenario) was premeditated way before that cheap fog machine warmed up and the Super 8mm projection you had prepared failed terribly (killed by the 250 watt bulb on the overhead projector purchased on Craigslist). But why? Well because… "Light has no weight," said the projectionist approximately 13 hours before he billed me (who am I though?) for the folding table (property of the high-end art gallery space which housed this evening's crazy performance) that snapped into two pieces.
That said, let's continue this after-the- matter chatter. Would it be fair to classify this (i.e. your) work (or better yet, the snapping of that dumb pathetically built plastic table) as some sort of premeditated looming showdown I (i.e. this writer) had prepared to wreak? The event was meant to hit everyone there like a lightning storm, but a civil one; a storm meant to instigate and inspire a dialogue about the subject matter. Yes, correct: catharsis through art (but will you be able to forgive them, or simply remain detached). Did the Judson group assume any responsibility for the campiness of tonight's costume design? probably so. The table broke and that was totally unplanned and unexpected. Your gadgets all worked (congrats), your set design was remarkable. This show is now over. So many different types of performances this year, thus far. You're on a roll my lil' darling. Your healing process has begun. bye.
p.s. I find it remarkable just how aware you are of those "spinning wheels" rotating inside of your mind- mind being a pejorative word.
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