Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cries and Whispers and how to survive.

I watched an interview with the late INGMAR BERGMAN that was included on the CRIES AND WHISPERS recent DVD release last nite on my bed. Relaxing, and alone, I heard my own experiences being expressed on the screen by this ageing hero of mine. In this rare interview, INGMAR is questioned about how he has handled the losses of loves and relationships in his life at the late age of 81. He said that WORKING, committing himself fully to living his life as an ARTIST, and committing himself fully to a deep sense of Professionalism in the quest to making the best possible films as honest and pure ART, is what has provided to him "healing".

God Bless Him for sharing.
Even now with his death, his work and FILMS breathe on, and continue to inspire the living.
And those, like myself, can relate to these feelings that he had about ART and the power it has to heal our deepest wounds.