Today I spent the afternoon in a playground. Wondering, "what do I want to do next?" A nature film? Something simple? Something aesthetically stimulating. Something that would involve travel (as a means of reaching my joyful process stage).
But where? Lake Luise, Canada? Oregon? Some undiscovered ocean shore along Washington State coastline. Maybe all three?
I went to Aperture on 27th street to browse through there vast photography book library. I got my tax refund back, so why not treat myself to a gift. Treat myself to a book. See where my brain goes if stimulated properly.
I looked for something that would hit a nerve. I found something. A large and expensive book on the works of artist Beate Gutschow. Landscapes. The works were very green and rich. I saw places I wished I could be at that very moment. Actually every single moment.
Reading an interview I learned that, like Andreas Gursky, Gutschow takes analog photographs of places. She then creates montage by digitally superimposing elements of the photos she takes, finally creating a very special and personal place that essentially only exists by her creative hands. I like that. First of all, it saves me a lot of money. I DON'T HAVE TO BLOW A FEW THOUSAND DOLLARS ON SOME DIGITAL CAMERA THAT WILL BE OUTDATED IN 6 MONTHS TIME. I can use analog. Basically, I want to consider this option. A weekend trip to a special quiet non-touristy place that would allow me the freedom to explore via analog capture. Then, via digital toys, re-create something "other". I may want to include some form of narrative, but I'll see when the time comes. I know that I want GREEN. And I know that I want to layer location sounds.
OK, I blabbed.
You sure are lucky. You get to really dive into my thinking here. You meaning ME (when I re-read my BLOGS).
Thanks. Enjoy the still image from a GUTSCHOW shot. ta ta for now.