Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Joey Huertas w/ Patty McCormack aka Rhoda Penmark .

Copyright, 2021.

So interesting to talk with Patty on how she was directed by Mervyn LeRoy for her masterpiece performance in the film, THE BAD SEED. She basically said that she was way too young to comprehend the debate going on regarding 'nature vs nuture' in the psychiatric field, so she was told to very selfishly want 'things', to feel smarter than all of the adults in the room and deem them epically stupid, and to love her father deeply. Patty has gone on to act in films like 'Nixon/Frost' and 'The Master', but has spent most of her career dealing with the aftermath of her frighteningly believable performance as, Rhoda Penmark. Since Patty is a native New Yorker (Brooklyn native), she explains that she feels playing Rhoda was a 'piece of cake'. Patty is one of the sharpest and warmest people that I have ever known in my life, and I still find it hard to believe that she's spent a lifetime navigating the mean, self-centered, cold-blooded, cut throat, industry that is the - entertainment industry. Well actually, now that I think of it, it makes total sense that she can handle the business so easily. Like Rhoda would have...Easy peasy. She's a New Yawka! 


Sunday, November 28, 2021


       Brooklyn, NY - filmic landscape    #MonopolyBoardPiece

Saturday, November 27, 2021


"I don't make movies for critics, since they don't pay to see them anyhow."

                                       Charles Bronson (r.i.p.)



"One of these days I'm gonna have to get myself ORGANIZIED." - Travis Bickle

Monday, November 15, 2021

r.i.p. Frankie


Password: Banali

Frankie's funeral service.


Greta Thunberg's commentary to the Judge on the day of closing statements for the Rittenhouse self defense trial,

                  "BLAH, BLAH, BLAH"




   X-tra pepperoni and mushrooms for 80's action B-movie binge...

      The New KidsVice SquadFort Apache The Bronx

Sunday, November 14, 2021

   Home Studio today.

                       The early years in the garage.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

After losing my camera in the shark cage dive shoot I did a few months ago, I have been able to upgrade to the newer model BLACKMAGIC 4k and the differences are mind-blowing good.  This beast has a far better screen and sensor, and also far less color correction is needed with raw shot material now. Yup, made myself lemonade from that great white sharked lemon. ..

Dean's Award for Film Achievement, 2021

Dean's Award for Film Achievment !

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Farce 2021

So I'm watching some of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial LIVE right now and my mouth is literally dropped. This trial is going to go down in history as one of the most memorable and entertaining ones ever. This Judge is no joke and the prosecution is intentionally driving their case right into the wall. Wild, crazy world that we live in, the safest place these days is literally watching tv. This trial is everything that television was made for, we are getting it all right now free of charge. Bring on the popcorn! I wonder if O.J. Simpson is sitting somewhere in Beverly Hills enjoying this, too - I bet he is and I bet he's laughin' his ass off. bye.

Some sample livestream commenters:

thomas lee911 was inside job
pittsky pthese questions are meaningless
Big poppieHe bout to cry 😭
TheClayBearTravelsLet's Go Brandon
Dutch StarYou did know that the bullet can kill right
610JugglaUr not an expert on ARs but was comfortable shooting the one u had multiple times LOL
Al VargasKYLE RULES!!!!!!!!!!! NOT GUILTY
Heuto Musici thought all of his shots landed?
Mrs.Todd Maynardfree kyle  JUDGE IS BOSSSSSS
Judahhow do they object a clear pattern of misconduct
HAPPY 1984HAPPY 1984

Monday, November 8, 2021

The Loft Generation.

There will be a book launch of The Loft Generation by author Edith Schloss, mother of my good friend and collaborator film artist, Jacob Burckhardt. This will take place at 7PM on Wednesday, November 17 at the McNally Jackson bookstore at 4 Fulton street in the South Street Seaport in New York. Jacob Burckhardt will be reading from the book and will be having a conversation with Phillip Lopate.  Support Jacob and his mom Edith and come!  Admission is free.



“Schloss brilliantly conveys her experiences . . . Thoughtfully edited by Venturini, [The Loft Generation] combines Schloss’s personal memoir with her art criticism to provide a riveting firsthand account of the daily lives, complex social interactions, and marital spats of artists . . . Rich in granular detail and rendered in eloquent and captivating prose, this is an intimate look at a pivotal era in its formative stages and offers an invaluable source for the study of one of the great art movements.” —Publishers Weekly (Starred review)

"Shrewdly observant, Schloss conveys in painterly prose the spirited individuals whose lives she shared and the worlds they inhabited . . . A captivating memoir of a life in art." —Kirkus Reviews (Starred Review)

Zestily precise and deeply knowledgeable . . . With preternatural recall, a discerning eye, keen ear, and hard-won insights, Schloss shares spirited, funny, wry and poignant tales . . . Intrepid, attentive, judicious, and radiantly expressive, Schloss presents an exhilarating perspective on a salient chapter in art history.” —Donna Seaman, Booklist (starred review)

“If you are even remotely interested in the idea of what it is to make a life from your art, Edith Schloss’s diaristic account of New York City’s post-war bohemia is indispensable reading . . . [The Loft Generation] is remarkable and engrossing.” —Jonny Diamond, LitHub

"I am tempted to say Edith Schloss’s Loft Generation is remarkable, but remarkable seems inadequate to describe it.
 Schloss’s memoir of life in New York during the heyday of the Abstract Expressionist movement and her subsequent expat years in Italy is wise, witty, and wild in equal measures. Writing from the position of the ultimate insider about a world that we are only beginning to understand and fully appreciate, she introduces readers to the artists and writers and composers who became part of her life – Willem and Elaine de Kooning, Rudy Burckhardt, Edwin Denby, Paul and Jane Bowles, John Cage, Frank O’Hara, among many, many others. And she describes the romance that is the life of the artist, despite poverty, monstrous political and social turmoil, and changing artistic fortunes. By the end of her story, which is so intimate and so true, we are left feeling as though we are part of that world, too. Quite simply, Schloss transports us, and that is the most any writer can hope to do. No, remarkable does not begin to describe her memoir. The Loft Generation is superb." —Mary Gabriel, author of Ninth Street Women, Lee Krasner, Elaine de Kooning, Grace Hartigan, Joan Mitchell, and Helen Frankenthaler: Five Painters and the Movement that Changed Modern Art

“This indispensable eyewitnessing of a crucial period in American culture is wonderfully alive, entertaining, and beautifully written, with a dazzling mix of the personal and the aesthetic. Warmly honest, perceptive, and humane, Edith Schloss’s memoir is itself a work of art.” —Phillip Lopate, author of The Art of the Personal Essay