Pete Seeger at Carnegie Hall with the Woody Guthrie Family! Arlo (Woody's son, duh) led the night of songs of protest against social injustice while inserting his halarious satirical style of sardonic talking blues. The whole show was custom built for our modern times. Every politician (and every post 60's contemporary war veteran) shoulda been here tonight. And they shoulda been handed a copy of the new book written by MIT professor Craig Steven Wilder, "Ebony and Ivy" (purchasing link: http://www.amazon.com/Ebony-Ivy-Troubled-Americas-Universities/dp/1596916818/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1385926063&sr=8-1&keywords=ebony+and+ivy) and united to boycott William And Mary College based on its despicable and disgusting history once and for all. Peaceful protests based on facts, history and data statistics for all. bye!
...and yes, this show was Sold Out.
p.s. R.I.P. Paul Walker. Glad I wasn't riding shotgun. Your car looks terrible. Sad man. Life is Crazy. I imagine "fast and furious" Christmas DVD sales will skyrocket for you now. peace to you. bye to You. You're in my thoughts.