Let's begin, with the word- War? ... He/Me entered this exhibition with a slurred gait (DEFINITION: gait is the way locomotion is achieved using human limbs. I kinda strutted into the museum that is photographed above in this Blog = Duh, LOOK UP AT THE PICS THAT I ATTACHED). Wondering: Jane, will there be anythin' here worth your Saturday's while? Every time I (me) goes to a show (meaning when I force myself to go an exhibition with my old student ID that I use for a/MY FREE OF CHARGE ticket) I leave with an inspired glow. My “gait” expands itself. I end up walking "WIDE-OPEN" (Think to yourself SPREAD EAGLE, like i just got off of a horse).
The works here (German Expressionism) were primarily based on the effects WAR has on the creative person. Have you been AT WAR? I feel that WAR does not always require a machine gun stockpile. WAR can be any kind of PERSONAL battle that drags on pointlessly to create havoc, disorder and most importantly to satisfy the insatiable hunger of the selfish EGO's soul. WAR= I WILL GET WHAT I WANT BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. For every artistic soul, WAR is a corrupt nightmare.
WAR scrapes against the very human grain.
And so does GERMAN EXPRESSIONISM. The swervy non perfect lines.
The prostitutes were drawn from exceptionally high angles (artist would climb up on furniture to distort "perspective"!
The use of pens, pencils, cardboard, everything and anything (except mortar).
I did find some interesting ideas for my upcoming work.
I am more interested now in distorting the general idea of how we see the filmed human face.
My brain wheels are spinning.
There was nothing particularly “funny” about any of the works that I experienced in this exhibition. I now know with certainty that I will now spread my humorous natural JANEY gait with fine caution. I will walk the “funny narrative line” carefully.
FOOTNOTE: OTTO DIX's drawings were/are amazing !!!