This is a storyboard that i had doodled years ago, planting my visual-narrative ideas onto scrap paper. This film that I made years ago was titled,
EPISODE (and it had 2 versions, a narrative story version and an experimental version due to problems experienced = $$$). This film brought much grief into my life, both during its inception stage, and the later stage (i.e. most recently). The Imagination can spurn great envy from others
who lack. It can attract cruel jealousy and wicked strikes against the purity of ones need to simply "make things"...One's need to simply Imagine things within our world differently.
But Imagination is also the “most scientific of the faculties”, says infamous art icon Baudelaire. By this seemingly paradoxical statement Baudelaire meant that the Imagination alone is, by its nature, capable of penetrating beneath the surface of appearances and detecting hidden analogies between material manifestations, different modes of perception, and different levels of existence.
The Imagination, in fact, is that capital faculty of the creative artist whereby he is enabled to see all in one synoptic glance (please look up the word
synoptic in your home dictionary), and thus to order his work in such a way that the topical shall co-exist with the eternal, the natural with the supernatural and the moral with the metaphysical.