I have to work on a trailer tonight, but that's besides the Point. DO this Blog first. Jane. Hello! Jane! Let's talk about
"THE COLONY". Let's wake da brain up and talk bout that bee movie (reference here is regarding the documentary film I, ME, JANEY just saw at the IFP Docs Fest downtown (its your responsibility to look up the address of that tiny place READER).
I Like It (he said, he meaning ME).
Very "formula" doc (yep. OMG, they have formulas now. So bad, that it makes me happy i never picked up things like "cooking". I don't wanna ever get bitten by the "formula"bee (no pun intended, actually Bull, TOTAL PUN INTENDED)
Another film revealing the problems that are prevalent (and growing) within our eco-environment-corruption-marketplace. HE (i.e. me) meaning the U.S. Commercial Industry, Capitalism and the demise of the "small business guy" (Mom and Pop BeeKeepers). All around the pollenization of the honeybee that is required for us to eat our Blueberries and Almonds.
There is an epidemic. The bees are dying. The farmers are screaming for help. Noones doing anything. We will soon need to be buying certain foods in foreign countries. Why? Due to Poison. Due to the market of
Pesticide. It is killing All of us slowly. And now even the bees.