Jane (i.e. ME) went to see the new documentary, "UNTIL THE LIGHT COMES". Film about the controversial black metal scene in Norway/Sweden. The film was very poorly done (imagine a freshman video project in a community college that had no editing equipment). I almost walked out 2 thirds into it due to my boredom, but stuck it thru to learn "sumthin". I did. The "movement" aint really some Performance Art thing, it's simply a pack of losers who want to rebel against everything around them (i imagine the weather instigates their mood-swings).
The "suicides", "murders" and "churchburnings" are episodes of upping the ante to competitive bands who wanna steal their throne of "I'm the creepiest one of all" trophy.
The most interesting thing, for me, and what made my $11 worth the drag was observing the correctional system in Norway. Very pristine. Like a Howard Johnson hotel. Unreal. The cell is equiped with computer, printers, books, curtains, NOTHING like the U.S. correctional system. The boy who killed a rival bandmember recieved the maximum sentence allowed in the country, 21 years! I could not believe it. Here we are, in the supposedly MOST civilized country in the world, and we pass out the lethal injection and multiple life sentences like blue light specials at Kmart. I truly believe that the individuals who endure the 21 year sentences in that country have a possiblity for true and sincere rehabilitation due to the humanity taught to them while experiencing punishment. Punishment = Social Physical Freedom. When interviewed, the convicted boy stated that he views his sentence like being inside of a monastery. He is focused on reading and "thinking" about the effects of his behaviour upon others and himself. This point alone, this observation I had into the life of a human being's experience, made this crap movie worth my time.
p.s. I am SO glad I am not a teenager anymore. Especially a bored one, dressed in black tights, in Norway. God Save the Queen.
p.s.s. I have just learned doing some online research that the murderer was released and is on parole! unbelievable.
click on this link below for his story and update...